Peterson, Charles (3116)
Place of Birth: Port Melbourne, VIC
Age: 26 years 10 months
Enlistment Details: Wednesday, 14 July 1915 – Melbourne, VIC
Service Number: 3116 view online service record
37 Albert Street
Port Melbourne, VIC
Next of Kin:
Mary Peterson (mother)
37 Albert Street
Port Melbourne, VIC
Embarkation Details:
Date: Saturday, 16 October 1915
Ship: HMAT Port Lincoln A17
Port: Melbourne, VIC
Unit: 14th Infantry Battalion – 10th Reinforcements
KIA: Wednesday, 11 April 1917
Place: France

Private, 46 Infantry, killed in action 11 April, 1917, France, aged 28, commemorated Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France.
Parents: Edward (late) and Mary PETERSON, born Port Melbourne, educated St Joseph’s, Port Melbourne. He enlisted as a 27-year-old labourer with his mother at 37 Albert Street; a married brother, 2876, Edward PETERSON from 11 Station Street. Circular returned by another brother from 87 Cruikshank Street. A Death Notice in the Port Melbourne Standard, 12 January, 1918 as a second initial A; reported Missing, 11 April, 1917, declared killed in action at that date at an Inquiry in August.
Additional research by Brian Membrey
Brother: Edward Peterson
Brian Membrey
“I knew Private Chas Petersen of C. Coy., 11 Platoon, a Port Melbourne man who was a wharf labourer. Private Harry Turner of C. Coy. 11 Pltn. told me he saw Peterson lying wounded on a stretcher in No Man’s Land at Bullecourt on the 11th April, 1917. Turner is still with his unit. (Pte. R. W. Canny, No. 4457, 46th A.I.F)