PMHPS Monthly Meeting, 23 February 2021 at the auditorium, Port Melbourne Town Hall featuring members' presentations of Gems from the Collection.
Suzy Milburn - Tennis and School Visits David Radcliffe - Port Melbourne Free Library John May and Janet Bolitho - Jim Sinclair and a Japanese map of wartime Port Melbourne
The presentation starts approximately 12 minutes into the meeting.

At the 2020 Annual General Meeting of PMHPS three members, Liana Thompson, Suzy Milburn and Greg Hansen presented their memories of Port Melbourne anchored around the statement 'I was there when ...'.
Liana spoke of the time when Council was sacked and the City of Port Melbourne was amalgamated with the Cities of South Melbourne and St Kilda to form…
Following the success of the Society's first zoom meeting with presentations on the theme of "I Wish I had Been There" the following presentations on the theme of "I Was There when ..." were made to the Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society during the Society's Annual General Meeting on 25 August 2020.
Liana Thompson - I was there when…

The shed Suzy shares with her five neighbours.
My rectangular house block meets up with five others at the back left hand corner, one rectangular and four triangles. So our six sheds were a shared building with a shared internal wall when I moved into Port Melbourne in 1994.
Diagram of Suzy's Shared Shed
Unique? I wonder.
The shed Suzy shares with her five…