Anzac Day in the fifties
From the Collection – two photographs packed with interest
Catalogue No: 2622

Ron Joosten and his two sisters, Vera and Yvonne, observing the crosses laid on the grassed area of Sinclair Parade, Port Melbourne, for Anzac Day, shortly after their arrival in Australia in 1956.
Catalogue entry 2622 invites further exploration of Catalogue No 2698, a photograph of the home of the Joosten family at 175 Clark St, Port Melbourne.

George Joosten was an engineer, and was recruited in Holland by the PostMaster General Department (PMG) which brought them to Australia on the P & O ship Arcadia. The house in Clark St had previously been purchased by the PMG with the intention of using the land for future expansion of the adjacent Port Melbourne telephone exchange. The Joosten family lived there until about 1958.
Information as related to Glen Cosham on 31 January 2014